Feb 11, 2009

It's Easy to Become Punctual - Honest!

William Shakespeare once wrote, "Better three hours too soon than a minute too late."

Being on time means that you know how to plan a schedule for yourself and your activities for the day. As a result punctual people are more or less successful people, as they don't miss opportunities which come their way. In our daily life, it's a good idea to show punctuality in every part like getting to school on time, catching the right bus at the bus top, or getting to work everyday at the same time etc.

If you are not punctual, then you will start feeling the effects at the start of the day itself. It will start when you miss your bus, and then continue with reaching your work place late and of course, completing your working hour's later because of your late arrival and so on. As a result, f you are not punctual you are a loser! But it's not necessary for you to be late every time! Just a little bit of effort and time management and you should be able to be on time for all your appointments for the day.

1. Another good point you have to remember is to recognize your capabilities. If you know the amount of work you can do, then you can take on extra tasks. But if you work slowly then you should remember to take on only the few tasks which you will be able to perform on time.

2. Make sure that your deadlines are communicated to your co-workers so that they know you are not available for further work or responsibilities until you finish current responsibilities.

3. Never show off that you can do several tasks at the same time and can perform many duties in a small time period. If you cannot manage, you will show an overall inability to perform well; and none of the tasks you do will be of the best quality.

4. You should have a wrist watch so that you can keep track of time and your appointments and act accordingly.

5. Keep yourself 15 minutes early for everything and that's how you won't have to rush anywhere to get work done in haste.

6. Plan your things first then move ahead: Don't let unexpected events and things to interfere your schedule.

Try to keep these things in your mind. They are very easy to adopt and you will very easily be punctual in the future.

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